Thursday, October 2, 2008

Blast from the Past #97: TMNT Vol. 2 #5 cover pencils

This is one of the covers that I penciled for the short-lived color TMNT series that Mirage published.

I'm pretty sure Kevin Eastman inked all of these, and I colored them (with varying degrees of success) in Photoshop. -- PL


  1. Aww, this is beautiful, I love seeing all your older work, everything is just great.

  2. Wow!

    Awesome work!

    What ever happened to this? Why did it stop?

  3. Terrorpin...

    The source of tOkKa's pet project.

  4. hmm for some reason I thought it was A.C. Farley that did the colors of the covers for volume 2 interesting..

  5. Beautiful.

    Thank you for sharing this!

  6. i'm also curious as to why vol.2 came to an abrupt end. was it the cost vs sales thing we see in comics a lot? or time?

    i'm also interested in seeing how things will vol.4 go. i just read in an interview that you are ending it soon :(

  7. -->> ..for some reason, this remains one your guys' the most powerful covers for me.

    Also .. one of Bissette's coolest contributions to TMNT remains within' the Terrorpin.

    Those not in the know..

    Check out Tales 20 .. to see the continuation from the fallout of this issue. Just short of a miraculous story.

    .. .. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


  8. Has there been any discussion about using an internal artist and paint programs to colorize TMNT comics(as Murphy mentioned that Mirage didn't want to hire an outside colorist)?

  9. Ooooo... I hope you post the rest of them! For all the glory that color can bring, I feel that, in general, you can lose a lot of details when things are colored. And with the limitations of printing and technology back in the day, I think a lot of comic art did lose something in the coloring process.

  10. "Vaughn Michael said...
    hmm for some reason I thought it was A.C. Farley that did the colors of the covers for volume 2 interesting..

    Nope -- if Craig had done them, they would have looked a heck of a lot nicer. -- PL

  11. " Hugh said...
    i'm also curious as to why vol.2 came to an abrupt end. was it the cost vs sales thing we see in comics a lot? or time?

    i'm also interested in seeing how things will vol.4 go. i just read in an interview that you are ending it soon :("

    I don't remember all the details, but I think it was a sales issue that killed the book.

    As for Volume 4, I said in that recent interview that I hoped to wrap it up in six issues. That is an estimate -- it could be less (though that is unlikely) or it could be more. -- PL

  12. -->> .. (( Volume 5. [[ !? ]] ))


  13. Thanks for clearing that up Pete.
    Any chance you could tell us what Craig is up to these days?
    -Vaughn M.
