Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Blast from the Past #117: Splinter character sketches

I can't recall exactly why or when I did these sketches of Splinter, but I suspect it was probably either for Playmates or for 4Kids, to be used as "model sheets" (although these drawings are considerably rougher than most of the model sheets I've ever seen). -- PL


  1. Hi, these are really cool sketches. I like the first and third one, splinter looks tough! nicely done!

  2. Heh, Drawing 2. For some reason it makes me want to say:

    'Hulk Splinter! Me Smash stuff now!'

    Splinter always looks so frail and thin, never imagined him to have any kind of muscles...

  3. -->> .. HOTCHI MOCHI !! !! ~~ **

    0_o ~~ **


  4. *cough* NECA *cough* lol
    Speaking of, any news on what's going on with NECA Peter???
    -Vaughn M.

  5. -->> doesn't get paid much never mind, but i have always admired his hidden blade in the cane.

    That's been used a number of times on various toys, but i don't know if i recall him using it much in the comics or even the shows itself. Tho i recall some early art with Split's cane/blade.

    Is there a reason or method or reason his madness.. ?!'s a pretty cool little gimmick , whatever the case.

    Speakin' of NECA ..whenever the eff' they get back around to Turtles, i hope Splint's cane has that little blade.



  6. OMG!! Splinter looks so cool!! I love it!!

  7. Splinter has always been my favorite character, aside from Mike.

    I usually see artwork that shows Splinter as a decrepit arthritic with one foot in the grave. He actually looks quite young and very lively here.

  8. "Vaughn Michael said...
    any news on what's going on with NECA Peter???"

    I haven't heard anything from them in quite a while. -- PL

  9. Nuuuuuuuuuude Splinter with muscles!! Yowza!! ô,0

  10. PL said:

    "I haven't heard anything from them in quite a while."

    Mr. Laird, if you have a chance, could you do a bit of sleuthing into this case? We're all waiting to give NECA our money on this second wave of TMNT figures (I personally plan on buying at least two of each and more than two of some). The NECA figures are one of the best new TMNT licensed products that has come about in recent years, and I'd hate to see them go by the wayside.

    -Rev. Steven

  11. Peter,
    Thanks so much for replying.
    I'm with S though, I'm getting worried as nothing has been said from them in months and the second series of figures should have been released some time ago.
    I really hope you or some one can get to the bottom of what's going on with these great figures.
    thank you
    -Vaughn M.

  12. -->> ..and again, the little details will remain unappreciated..



  13. Splinter has always been my fave TMNT character, and these are just great sketches.

    I think I loved him because I had such an awesome and loving relationship with my own father, I knew just how the guys must of felt about him.


    *been busy with real life*

    Man, I've missed coming here! I need to get things back in gear!

    LOVE the sketches!

  15. I always wondered, what would TMNT and Splinter look like if they were to ever to become human? Did you and Kevin ever wonder that?
