Saturday, March 14, 2009

Blast from the Past #166: sketch for unused cover by Kevin Eastman

This is kind of an oddball piece. I found it while going through some old comic book art files this past week. It's a loose pencil drawing, obviously by Kevin Eastman, drawn on illustration board.

At first, I thought it might be an alternate cover idea for issue #8 of TMNT Volume 1, but I'm not sure. It's possible that it might be an idea for a cover for one of the First Comics reprintings of those early issues in color. -- PL


  1. -->> .. i only have the later FIRST books .. not volume 1.

    This looks like it would have been a wrap - around cover.

    Was it tossed around having wrap - arounds for those volumes ?!

  2. Well, it definitely had Cerebus and Renet in it, so it should have something to do with issue 8, no?

  3. "~ tOkKa said...
    -->> .. i only have the later FIRST books .. not volume 1.

    This looks like it would have been a wrap - around cover.

    Was it tossed around having wrap - arounds for those volumes ?!"

    You have sharp eyes, Dave -- I didn't even notice that! No, I don't think wraparound covers were ever contemplated for those First Comics reprint volumes... so this must have been intended for the cover of issue #8 of Volume 1. -- PL
