I did get to print out a couple of proof copies of TMNT #31 today (thankfully, the printer seems to be able to do duplexing again, after being on the fritz for a few days... actually, it's not the printer's fault, but the new Macs we got to replace some old ones -- some kind of classic new operating system software/printer driver conflict... but that's neither here nor there). I gave one copy to Jim to check out (and got an email from him tonight saying he liked it... thanks, Jim!).
I took my copy home and read it through once, and found a few mistakes, and will likely read it through a few more times. I am pleased that this issue seems to be coming together without too many hitches, because this marks the first time I have composited an issue of TMNT directly in Adobe InDesign. Prior to this, I would always do it in a version of Quark Xpress, and for the last few years after I'd done that I would convert the Quark file into an InDesign file (Dan likes them better, and he's the dude interfacing with our printer). There were always some glitches during this conversion process, and I would end up spending several more hours correcting them.
So I finally decided that even though I was really comfortable with the lettering tools in Quark, I had to learn how to do it in InDesign. I'm still not loving InDesign's tool set, but I think I can get used to it eventually. -- PL