Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Blast from the Past #201: cover for TMNT color series #6

I have the feeling that I've posted this before, though a quick search of this blog indicates otherwise. If I'm wrong, I apologize.

Anyway, this is one of the covers -- done for the old Mirage color TMNT comic series -- that I penciled and Kevin Eastman inked. This is the inked version. -- PL


  1. Woah, is it me or did "the fifth element" pinch this for their visiting robot alien race?! It's uncanny. I haven't read all the older comics so maybe this has been pointed out before, my bad if so. ;0)

  2. Hi Peter,

    the spring Xeric recipients have been announced to the public and I am one of them. I wanted to personally thank you for your kindness and generosity. It really means a lot to me.
    So thank you,

    Joshua Smeaton

  3. This seems somewhat familiar. I feel like I have seen the pencils for this before, but not the ink, though I could very well be mistaken.

  4. -->> .. the B / W no Text Version, Digi colour v. of this cover is incredibly overwhelming .

    Bax - bot is pretty frightening here !!

    WOW !! !!

  5. -->> guess is meant to say ' Pre - Digi ' colours.

  6. " Joshua Smeaton said...
    Hi Peter,

    the spring Xeric recipients have been announced to the public and I am one of them. I wanted to personally thank you for your kindness and generosity. It really means a lot to me.
    So thank you,"

    I appreciate your kind words. Good luck with your book! -- PL
