Monday, April 6, 2009

Raphael, Rabbit Hunter

While cleaning up my Mirage office a bit (okay, a LOT) today in anticipation of the return of the TMNT fan documentary dudes, I ran across a couple of cool pieces of art I'd forgotten that I had. Here's one of them, a nifty rendering of Raphael by the inimitable Eric Talbot, from back in 1991 (if I'm reading that date correctly). The other one is by Steve Bissette -- I'll probably post that tomorrow. -- PL


  1. I remember this from Play Magazine.

  2. Everything about this documentary sounds great so far, I've been following their progress over at their website.

    What did you do with all that stuff Pete?! I've seen that office of yours there at Mirage ;)

  3. Hey Peter, are you excited that new york will go green on the 23rd this month? Me and my gf are going to go and watch the movie and participate in the events they have down there at tribecca. its going to be really really cool!

  4. Hey big fan of the tmnt come cheek my page out:

  5. -->> .. killer piece from ol' port and the anti-distopian look into Raph's future.
